Saturday, January 7, 2012

alberta property rights

Ok here we are in the beginning of January 2012, might as well be 1984 (yes Orwell) the Alberta government still hasn't removed its draconian legislation that takes away property rights all people of western civilization have had for 800 years (see the Magna Carta). Just to review if the government wants to put a highway through your land and wants to study, develop,engineer, apply for funding for this road, which might take 12-20 years . you cant sell or transfer your land. if they want to take your land to develop roads or power lines they can pay you for it IF THEY WANT in Alberta. But don't have to if they don't want to. (yes thats in the legislation).

    I know a bunch of you are standing up yelling "NO THEY WOULD'NT DO THAT, ITS THEFT" or "I WOULD TAKE THEM TO COURT" well sorry the Alberta government thought of that and carefully crafted the legislation so you cant take them to Provincial or Federal court. Your Screwed! Thats it.
 There have been seminars across the province for the past year and a half talking all about this, and if you think they wouldn't do it .... They already have ,to an oil company in northern Alberta. 
    So here we are almost 2 years after this legislation came into effect heading into a provincial election in the spring.. Low and behold the provincial government is holding a "task force" to study Albertan's views on property rights. Coincidence? (I think not) on this task force are 8 ministers from provincial cabinet all of who voted FOR this legislation.(unbiased?) I have had enough of this arrogant group of ... self serving arrogant corporate shills (back to privatizing electricity thanks ENRON). Albertan's memories are getting longer. We are also better informed than ever before , thanks internet. so be ready for some real anger when you get to your "town hall" meetings

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