Friday, August 31, 2012

Ok here we are on the edge of an NHL strike/lockout. and the news media is all over it. One thing everyone seems to forget is SPORTS IS NOT NEWS.. If you didnt quite understand the first time. SPORTS IS NOT NEWS. Its entertainment THATS ALL . if all NHL,NFL,NBA,CFL,MLB, and whatever other sports league initials you want to throw in there went on strike tomorrow I could still buy groceries,my job would not be effected, the economy would not collapse, everytthing would be fine. NOT NEWS. and the players are all overpaid entertainers.SO now , sports does not affect or effect my life, and so it its not news. at the most it might be entertaining , thats it, will everyone please let the appropriate talking heads know this, thank you... this truly is stupid shit I have seen.sports as news ...yea whatever

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Arn't I Awesome??? 
here at this link we can see how Conservative Jason Kenny put up a petition to congratulate him on some budget cut or something. Wow see how awesome I am !!! sign a petition on my web page on how awesome I am.. HEY Everyone look at me I am GREAT. in fact if I was much more greeaat I would be Tony The Tiger
i hate conceited politicians.If you agree sign my petition on how great I am
thanks and let laugh at the politicians .

Monday, January 23, 2012

No more phone solicitations

First of all let me say I am not advocating stopping donating to charities.
That being said, about 8 months ago I got a phone solicitation for a new charity I
have never heard of, it was "Barnwell Community Against Drugs". Wow sounds great!
The caller even told me how they had saved 500 kids in our community from drugs,
wow again!  One itsy bitsy problem; I am the Mayor of Barnwell, and after doing our
census last year I know we don't have that many kids.  I have never ever heard of
this program, surely someone on Village council would have mentioned such an awesome program in
passing. The longer I talked to him the more holes seemed to develop in the so-called charity. I tried to get as much information as possible to pass to the RCMP, when I got a little too nosy
he hung up.
My wife and I made a decision right there no more donations over the phone, and what a response
we have gotten!  Everything from surprise to actual anger, we politely say "we no longer donate over the
phone but if you would like to mail us some information, we would be happy to take a look at it and decide."
You have to be ready for this come back they all will give, which is "Ok what can I put you down for a commitment?". To which we reply " Nothing, its my money and I will decide where to donate it."
I am happy to report we still give regularly to charities, but the phone calls are down about 90%.
We also feel more comfortable opening the credit card bill at the end of the month knowing we
haven't bought a surf board in Bali or something goofy like that because we gave our credit card number out
over the phone to someone we can't identify.
I feel if we can start to spread the word that this is what our communities are doing, we might actually
get a real decrease in phone solicitations.

Friday, January 20, 2012

follow the money

Alberta has had the lowest corporate taxes in Canada for years, and now it is literally hurting our province, Banks not paying any business tax. this is ridiculous. please watch this
follow the money

Saturday, January 7, 2012

alberta property rights

Ok here we are in the beginning of January 2012, might as well be 1984 (yes Orwell) the Alberta government still hasn't removed its draconian legislation that takes away property rights all people of western civilization have had for 800 years (see the Magna Carta). Just to review if the government wants to put a highway through your land and wants to study, develop,engineer, apply for funding for this road, which might take 12-20 years . you cant sell or transfer your land. if they want to take your land to develop roads or power lines they can pay you for it IF THEY WANT in Alberta. But don't have to if they don't want to. (yes thats in the legislation).

    I know a bunch of you are standing up yelling "NO THEY WOULD'NT DO THAT, ITS THEFT" or "I WOULD TAKE THEM TO COURT" well sorry the Alberta government thought of that and carefully crafted the legislation so you cant take them to Provincial or Federal court. Your Screwed! Thats it.
 There have been seminars across the province for the past year and a half talking all about this, and if you think they wouldn't do it .... They already have ,to an oil company in northern Alberta. 
    So here we are almost 2 years after this legislation came into effect heading into a provincial election in the spring.. Low and behold the provincial government is holding a "task force" to study Albertan's views on property rights. Coincidence? (I think not) on this task force are 8 ministers from provincial cabinet all of who voted FOR this legislation.(unbiased?) I have had enough of this arrogant group of ... self serving arrogant corporate shills (back to privatizing electricity thanks ENRON). Albertan's memories are getting longer. We are also better informed than ever before , thanks internet. so be ready for some real anger when you get to your "town hall" meetings